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Primary Sources Study 5

Primary Sources Study 5

Q Primary Sources Study 5 Please answer only one of the following four reading explorations (12-point type, double-spaced). Be sure to support your answers from the readings. Your answers are due on [Week 7, Day 5]: 1. Read the excerpt from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales on page 182 in Landmarks in Humanities, along with Fiero's commentary and the illustration by the Limbourg Brothers, under the title "Chaucer: The Wife of Bath." Please answer the questions at the end of the reading. 2. Read Leonardo Bruni's Petrarca and the Art of Poetry (please see the attached copy). How does Petrarch exhibit Renaissance Humanism? 3. Read the excerpt from Pico’s Oration on the Dignity of Man in the inset on page 189 of Landmarks of Humanities. Please answer the two questions at the end of the reading. 4. Read the excerpt from Leonardo da Vinci’s Notebooks (please see the attached copy), as well as Vasari's remarks concerning Leonardo on pages 201-202 of Fiero's Landmarks in Humanities. Which grouping of the Seven Liberal Arts does Leonardo appear to favor? How do the readings illustrate Leonardo's role as an artist-scientist? In what ways is painting, according to Leonardo, superior to poetry? A minimum of one full paragraph per question is required. Assignment purpose: This assignment will introduce you to important primary written sources in history, and in the process you will attain a more in-depth understanding of the cultures and historical periods under consideration for the week. You will also demonstrate your own comprehension of the readings by answering select questions given in the assignment instructions. This assignment will be accomplished by reading the assigned readings in the course textbook. (course objectives 2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.8, 4.1, 4.4) Grading: 1. One reading exploration and its questions must be addressed according to the instructions. 2. All the questions in the chosen reading exploration must be answered. An automatic 15-point deduction per skipped question applies. 3. The answers must meet the requirement of one full paragraph per reading exploration. A full paragraph consists of a minimum of five sentences. 4. The answers are to be written in complete sentences, including proper grammar and spelling. Excessive writing errors will result in a deduction. 5. In-text citations giving line references to the textbook readings must be included. Failing to give references will result in a deduction.

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Chaucer had the mastery to bring any character to life by his vivid descriptions about that character. Chaucer was never hurrying while giving the introductions of his characters. He took his time to describe each of the character and he also used small details about the characters to make them more relatable. From Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales these lines stand out in understanding the character of the Wife of Bath as he noted “Her kerchiefs were of fine texture; those she wore upon her head on Sunday weighed, I swear, ten pounds.